The ego, and why it’s important

It is the part of your larger aspect that sits between you and your inner self. This ego looks outward into the reality that you wake up in each day. It also looks inward toward your inner environment. This ego acts like a filter keeping unwanted suggestions, and other unsavory information out. It allows only what suggestions you will accept. This is a very important job.

Would you accept a suggestion to harm another human being if left to your own devices? I would like to think that you would not. If it was suggested to you to do so it is your ego’s job to say that suggestion is a no. It will not allow other similar thoughts to follow. Why? Because your ego knows the you that you are and that it isn’t a part of the you that you want to become.

Your inner self while vibrating in a higher frequency isn’t necessarily a threat to you. However inner self says yes, yes, yes, to everything suggested. There is no such thing as no. Depending on what emotion you are experiencing or where you are vibrating your ego may or may not allow information to flow from the inner self either.

What depletes the ego

With enough suggestion of the same type the ego can become depleted to any degree. The stronger the suggestion or if there is deception or repetitive persuasion involved it may become more depleted. Alcohol and drugs can also cause trouble that way. It is important that you keep your ego intact.

Your ego is the smart friend that knows what you want in accordance with who you wish to be and become. It allows only that which is deemed helpful or at the very least acceptable to you.

New: video content about how very important that part of you is.

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