The optimum state to be in to attract good things into your life is relaxed and happy. If you can accomplish this state as well as our friend in the picture everything you want would either come to you, or you would be inspired to move towards it.
Most people will not do this because they worry about what other people will think of them. Don’t let reality train you. You are here to allow good things to come to you.
Of course you have responsibilities, they are responsibilities you have chosen. Between the responsibilities learn to say no when you want to say no. Learn to say yes when you want to say yes. Meditate, and be kinder to yourself. Look to achieve the optimum state of relaxed, happy and satisfied.
Why this is important according to the law of attraction…
How you feel in any moment is what drives the next moment regardless of the situation. The way that you feel is indicative of what and the way that you think. Your thoughts determine what situations and items come to you. Those thoughts you are having create ruts that create patterns.
All thoughts of the day make up what is commonly referred to as your emotional mix. The thoughts that you pass by that really don’t make you feel anything in any way are really not a big player in your emotional mix. Those thoughts that have great emotion accompanying them or thoughts that you think over and over are huge players in the mix.
What you want to do is think of the things that make you feel good naturally, don’t force it. If you can’t think thoughts that make you feel good, think thoughts that make you feel better. Keep doing that. Isolate those thoughts that make you feel not so good and don’t think about them again until you are in a place of sheer happiness. Those thoughts will look different to you. Take a step back from the thought until an understanding is reached minimally.
It will be impossible to track every thought you ever think even in a five minute period but it is not impossible to track how you feel. Remember that how you feel is indicating what you are thinking. It points right at it.
If you want to know more about how this works please visit my blog pages, or ask a question on the main page where it asks you “do you have a question”.
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