Guilt is meant to be a fleeting emotion, much the same as all the others. This is true unless you choose to own it. Even in such cases as a violation of harm to another are only meant to serve you to avoid certain future probabilities. By owning the guilt you give yourself a life sentence of self torture.
According to the law of attraction what we think about and feel about comes about. In other words you are creating a rut or pattern in your thought ways that will soon not allow you to not think of the thing that is causing you guilt. The more you think about it, the more often you will think about it or other situations that make you feel guilt.
You were not born to suffer. Guilt is a form of self torture which causes pain and suffering. If the guilty feeling is chronic it will dominate your emotional mix. Which is a mixture of all of your emotions from the day. If you focus long enough on your guilt you contaminate the other aspects of your life.
What to do with guilt…
Sooth yourself. Tell yourself things that make you feel better. Ask yourself if there is any way to fix the situation that caused the guilt. If there is then fixing it is the path of least resistance. If the answer is no then tell yourself that the situation is in the past and you choose to leave it there. It doesn’t serve you to think about it now. If it is sticky and won’t leave your mind, tell yourself that you don’t need to think about that right now. You will have to catch it early though, preferably when the thought first begins in a moment.
In the beginning you will likely have to learn to catch it early and tell yourself that you don’t need to think about it right now. Momentum builds up with thoughts. Like thoughts attract more of the same. What you want to do is break the pattern. Distract yourself with something enjoyable such as playing a game, or something productive like a project or your job. Focus on what you are doing in the moment. Remember that guilt is you telling you that you did something that you don’t agree with. It’s all about you. The pain stops when you let it go. Leave it in the past, that you no longer exists. When you think about the past it is impossible to think about the moment or the future. You will just live there in the past.
Why this is important according to the law of attraction
In any moment you have a thought about whether or not you will do something. This is your pre-perception. You have this thought even if you are deciding to do nothing. Your pre-perception or how you feel going into the action or experience determines your perception or how you feel during an experience. Your post perception is how you feel coming away from or after the experience. This post perception will be the template for similar thoughts that follow until the pre perception changes. Haven’t you noticed that the more you think about a thing or circumstance the more often you think about it?
The more the same thought is thought about it creates a rut and the momentum builds so more often you will have that thought or memory. Eventually a threshold will build and the universe will deliver to you other situations that make you feel similar to the way that you are feeling. The only way out of that pattern or rut that has formed is to soften it until you can change your perception or understanding about it.
When you are standing in a stronger happier position you will see the situation differently. If you can get to a point where you don’t think about it, and then you do later, it will be in the same place you left it emotionally. It needs to be softened until there is understanding.
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