You think there is one history, the one that you know. This history, your history, it is only one of infinite amounts of probable histories. The perceptional reality that you experience with your five senses is not the only one, there are other layers of realities that you do not perceive under usual circumstances. While you are awake the pathways by which you may experience these realities appears to be closed or blocked. They are not blocked, just knowing that these other channels are available to you can help you to experience them. These other realities are intersecting and merging with ours constantly.
It is possible to experience these other layers within your own layer of reality while you are awake or asleep by training your focus away from the history, and reality that you think you know just a little. This is not meant as “work” or anything that goes against your nature, it is natural that you should focus in more than one direction. It should be taken instead then as a new awareness that will form a new belief. It doesn’t mean that you should disagree with your history or disown it, as much as it means to ignore it, or allow it to stay in it’s place in “time”. It is those beliefs from the past that become your expectations in the future. You may not wish to ignore good pieces of your history, but in the beginning, you may have to. This will train you into focussing on what you wish to focus on now or in the immediate future. This backward focus is what keeps you focussed on one track. You see a past, you see a future, you do not see the endless sea of possibilities “before” you. Time as you know it does not exist, though for convenience does in this reality. All realities occur simultaneously. Please read the article on sleep dreams and reality if you haven’t done, it should make this article easier to understand.
Once you are standing in a place where you can finally let go of your past you will begin to experience reality in a different way. This may begin with dreams that are different than you are used to. Pay attention to the dreams and write them down if you can. If you are not one that usually remembers your dreams and you have been practicing this exercise, merely ask before you go to sleep to remember your dreams on waking back into this reality. You will remember your dreams then, perhaps not for long but you will get better at it.
Telling you to take a softer approach to your history (what you remember or believe to be true about the past) is one thing but a softer approach should be taken with your now reality as well. Don’t worry so much about things that are not in your moment. What I am saying is, to relax and focus, if you are looking at the cat then lovingly look at the cat, don’t allow your mind to stray off onto other subjects. Focus on what you are experiencing in that moment. Stand in that moment. From that moment move forward with your thoughts in an easy way that is naturally leading you from that moment into your next moment.
If you can do this in your waking reality you will experience possibilities, and probable outcomes. This may happen as a block of thought, a vision, a voice, or in other ways. There are other related things that may occur once you understand that this is your natural state, relaxed and focussed in the moment. Likely, it will all begin with your dreams as I have said. This may sound ridiculous to some. The fact is that there are other realities that are as real and as vivid as this one. The fact that you think that you only experience one is a good thing as far as continuity but also restricts your guidance.
The reason I am emphasizing your emotional state of mind and standing in your moment is because it will tell you in some way what you will experience. For instance, if you do as I ask, and you are usually experiencing tension that goes along with a usual day, you may be wary or afraid to let go of that tension. You own that tension. It has been with you for some time. To think of allowing that tension to change can cause fear in the form of worry or insecurity. The tension is caused by your belief system which is very important and in some cases not very flexible.
Allowing your back or your shoulders to relax may tell you a lot about how tense you are, how tense you are physically is an extension of how tense you are psychically. When I say you should be relaxed and focussed I am speaking of the type of relaxed that you feel while you are on vacation. Walking and slow deep breaths may help physically and by changing your emotional beliefs you change your psychic or psychological tension. Your reality is in part filtered through this tension. The probability that you attract will be drawn through that tension.
When I say that there is an infinite amount of probabilities out there I mean infinite amounts. It is then possible for you to experience a reality thread that is not as good as the one you are already experiencing. The way to avoid that is by being in a place that doesn’t allow you to change your existing probability into something worse. If you are feeling anything negative, try to move through it as quickly as possible with as little attention as is possible. Limiting the time that you experience the emotion that goes along with it is important. When you focus your attention on anything you have acknowledged it’s “realness” for a lack of a better word. You did plan to experience certain things in this reality before you were born. You will experience those. You set challenges for yourselves, you will meet those goals. The rest can be easier on you. Everyone meets resistance at some point it brings clarity and growth, what is important is that you limit your resistance by not dragging it through eternity with you. A moment of resistance that occurs over a period of five minutes does not have to be dragged with you through out your life in the form of a memory.
You cannot shout no, and have a moment go away, you are attracting what you are attracting based on your tension, or your beliefs and emotions. If you feel good about a thought that you are thinking, then you will end up in a good probability for you. If you think about something and it feels bad to think about it, then it is heading you down a path you don’t want to be taking. Do not try to adjust a bad thought, but ask yourself how can this thought feel better to you. If you can’t put it in a better place sooth it and move forward. Soothing statements are these types: I don’t have to know everything right now, I am doing ok, that person is doing the best that they can from their own point of view, things are working out for me I’m certain a solution will come, my inner being is on it, or statements of that nature.
If you practice focusing on your moment in a relaxed way, with content to happy thoughts about your future then resistance should be minimum. The reason I say should is because beliefs are sticky things and should be examined carefully. It is not wrong for you to feel bad or negative in any way. You are supposed to feel that way when something happens that isn’t right for you. You were also supposed to let it go, by noting that the moment brought clarity about what is right. Learn from it, and then leave it.
I can tell you what I have told you as fact because I experience it, and you can too. If you are overwhelmed by your life and there is a lot going on you may have difficulty doing this exercise. Just remember as you go through your day, if you are at work focus on your work and naturally keep your mind on what you are doing. If something made you feel bad, take a step back and do your best to gain an understanding. In other instances, if you are doing up a child’s shoe then do up the shoe focussing on that act. If you are shopping at the grocery market think of the food not of the bad day that you had at work. Keep in mind that probability lines are constantly intersecting, if you miss one another appears. You do it without knowing, you constantly change up probability lines in everyday life. You want to follow the line that takes you where you want to be. Be easy about it, gentle moving forward.
I hope I have been clear enough here because I can’t say it enough. Once you have experienced something, it becomes disassembled in a sense and those moments stand on their own creating their own probability line. If you can change the memory to something good do it. If you can’t then leave them and move forward focussing on what you are doing and intend to do in a positive way. If you keep stubbornly remembering something from the past take a step back from it, as though you were watching a movie, gain some understanding and clarity from the situation. It would be good if all memories that disagree with you could be left in at least a place of understanding, you may be able to leave it in a place of clarity if you approach it while you are in a positive mood or frame of mind. At the very least, examine those memories that reoccur or have great emotion attached to them. Stand back from them as though they are memories that belong to someone else and gain some understanding and clarity from it.
If you could be in a perpetual state where you were relaxed and happy you wouldn’t have to think about your future, your inner being would just guide you and you would happily motion forward from good probability to better as those probability lines constantly intersect. Your inner being knows what you want before you do, but this does no good if you aren’t in a position where you can hear, or see the information given to you. It isn’t that your inner being chooses for you. You choose with your inner being, in moments that you are not aware of and some that you are very aware of. Just by feeling bad in a moment simultaneously expresses to your inner being that you want a different situation. Other bad moments that follow will bring clarity to the good situation that you want. In other words it adds to the first instruction that you gave your inner being. It doesn’t need to go past the point of clarity or understanding.
Just as an added note, my life is not perfect and nor will it ever be perfect. Your life won’t be perfect either but it can be a lot better.