Reality is an open system of perception; in which you can do, be, or have, anything

You can do, be, or have, anything that you wish. How do I know this? Because your brain makes no distinction between what is “real” or what is imagined. All experiences are treated as equal by the brain. It is not about the thing, it’s how you feel about the thing that matters.

Whatever it is that you focus on, whether on purpose or not, becomes a part of your reality once it reaches a threshold. You can decide purposefully what you wish to focus on, you can also be distracted, by means of picking up sensory information from the environment around you. It doesn’t matter how you get the experience, the perception of it is what matters. The idea is to get out ahead of it. In this blog I will explain to you how to do that. I will use money as a subject, but it really doesn’t matter what the subject is. You will find that you can insert pretty much anything into the design to make it work.

Your perception begins before you are born in a way that creates your body. Although very smart, the communities of consciousness which are the cells are not the consciousness I am speaking of. Much the same as air flowing through your house in and out through open windows, I am speaking of the perceptual being that flows to and through the body of cellular communities that is you.

I found the following information by “accident” when I was searching for something else. It directly led me to the law of attraction, Jane Roberts, and Esther Hicks, along with others. You will be able to appreciate the information I am about to give you if you are not the type of person that is willing to take anything on faith. After my introduction to perception I will show you how it directly relates to “reality” according to the law of attraction, and your life. In the sixth paragraph I will show you something that repeats, pay attention to the flow of your perception as it will come in handy later.

Perceptual System

Let’s go on a perceptual journey. While you are in the womb you dream. What does a fetus have to dream about? It is dreaming it’s own body and the environment it will be born into. Some of you may find what I am saying, and about to say, far fetched or at the very least a stretch. If you stay with me I will show you that your perception is an open system, and that “real” is what ever an individual experiences. This is entirely independent of what anyone else experiences. A person’s reality is very personal and actually has nothing at all to do with anyone else.

When you experience anything at all there is one area in the brain that directs your perception and your focus. This is also the same area of the brain that is the conductor of sleep and dreams. This is also the area of your brain that is affected by general anesthesia. There are many hats that this part of your brain wears but how long do you want the blog to be. You may see your external environment as external, but whether or not it is, is entirely debatable.

So let’s take our journey. You are dreaming in the womb as your body is being created. You are born and from the moment you first breathe air you experience. From that experience you form a post-perception of the experience. That perceptional information is sent to the thalamus for filtering. This happens much the same as the unfocussed aspect of a photo can be filtered out. This brings forth your more focussed or specific experience. From the thalamus the information is sent to, and is marked by your emotional center for priority. Which is the reason you can remember something that happened as a child but forgot where you left your pen ten minutes ago. If it reaches a threshold it is sent to the memory center and goes back to the thalamus from which it began it’s journey. From the thalamus it is sent to the cortex noted, written or mapped and sent back to the thalamus.

If you stay with me you will see a pattern forming that is significant. A pre-perception about an experience is formed and you have another experience. A post-perception is formed after the experience and sent to the thalamus. Although this appears to be a closed system it is not, it is an open perceptual system that is constantly repeating. It repeats so quickly that it appears seamless. Now you might think that your perception begins with the experience, but from what I can see perception is all that there is.

This perceptual system is occurring whether you are awake, dreaming, daydreaming, imagining, hallucinating, etc… if you are experiencing anything at all this system applies. While you are asleep the same pattern is there, but the information flow is backwards. The thalamus, emotion and memory centers, are still central in the altered states. I will, if asked, go into this part in more detail but it is a lot of information. I will leave it for a seminar or another article. For now if you could picture this: Picture several streams of water of different colours all circling back on themselves. All the streams occupy the same time and space. They all have gates or dams that stop water from going into other streams. There are infinite numbers of these streams which you can tap into under the right circumstances and you do it all the time while you sleep. As you imagine you create a stream. The reality that you experience and call “real” appears to be a closed system, but is not. It is open to a limitless number of other “realities”, all as real, and as valid as the next.

It was necessary to tell you what was happening in your brain to show you that your perception is all that there is. Why do I say that? because even while you are in the midst of an experience you are perceiving the event. Perception in it’s entirety has different stages. The first pre-perception, or going into the experience. Going into any experience there is a decision to be made, and a belief of how the experience will be (an expectation). You will recall or try to recall if you have done it before, and if you haven’t you will weigh the experience. You will also decide whether or not the experience will turn out as you expect it to. You will in some light envision the experience as you hope it to be. The Second stage happens during the experience, while the experience is occurring you feel it out in a sense. The third stage or post-perception is formed after the experience. This post- perception may become a pre-perception for the same experience in the future, that is if the threshold is met. You will call up the last time you did that specific thing and ask yourself if you liked it, or if it worked out the way you wanted it to. You may argue that the experience and the post-perception are the same but consider this example.


You decide to go sky diving for the first time. You think it will be fun but you aren’t really sure how it will feel. You imagine it while you are deciding. You expect everything to turn out as you want, so you do it. It is a little frightening approaching the experience, and you become reluctant. As you come away from the experience you conclude that it was fun. They are three distinct stages.

Creating an item or situation

How does this relate to the law of attraction? Well, how you feel going into the experience creates it, so therefore your intent, and your belief (expectation) about the experience. Did you note that in our example that you imagined it while you were deciding? Your perception did not begin during or after the experience, it begins before the experience. In some cases it begins long before the experience.

So let’s say you want to have more money. Since your pre-perception is based on intent, belief and therefore expectation, if you intend to have more money, and believe that you will have it, then that’s what you will experience. It would be that way if you left it there, but let’s continue on.

It is important to say, that although you will experience more money, as stated, there is a threshold that has to be met before an experience can be mapped or created. If there is a lot of momentum gained in your experience from not having enough money then it will take some “time”. When I say time, what I am saying is that it will take as long as it takes you to stop the momentum of “not enough money”.

So what determines what comes to you since you pay attention to a lot of things throughout the day. Your emotion makes that determination, along with your attention to a situation or thing. Your perceptions are put in order of priority by how you feel about the experience not by the actual experience. Anything that affects you directly has an emotional marker. Think of the things that you care about and ask yourself how you feel about them. If you don’t feel good about a subject you can alter the emotion attached to it.

Remember that I told you that there has to be a certain amount of emotional content to reach the threshold in order to be retained and therefore mapped. Collectively all the emotions from all the experiences that you have had form your emotional mix. At any point in time there is an over all dominant emotion lending towards positive or negative. That general mood will tell you generally how things are working out for you. Therefore it is important to address each matter that means anything to you. If it’s something that you feel no emotion about it is of no consequence. With each, including money, you must make the dominant emotion a positive one, or at the very least neutral. You will know if you are being successful by your over all mood (emotional mix), it should improve as you do this.

The reason I am telling you this is because your “not enough” way of thinking about money has built up momentum over a long period of “time”. It now has to be replaced. It has probably trickled to other aspects of your life. If you are the type of person that clings to personal possessions then it is likely that it has. I’m not telling you to abandon what you have attained, but it would be good to make room for new items or situations.

Look at it this way… Think back to the perceptual system I told you about earlier. If you insert an experience that feels bad into the place where I have experience typed in bold in the sixth paragraph, you would have the experience and an emotional marker, therefore it now has priority. If you allow the entire completion of the rotation of the perceptual cycle many times, what made you feel bad will build momentum and become more defined. The emotion will escalate into higher and higher priority. It is necessary to ruin the cycle with something that feels good, or assign an emotion to the experience that is neutral. If you cannot do that, it is best to meditate.

To stop negative momentum you can meditate or sleep. meditation is better because if you sleep you may wake up thinking about the same thing in the same way. The perceptual cycle stops in this awake reality while you sleep, and you begin your next day where you left it the day before. Generally speaking people wake up thinking about the same things that they were thinking about before they went to sleep.

Once you have meditated it stops the momentum of not enough money. You then have to daydream like you own it. See yourself spending money on the things that you would like. See money coming to you as if it were magic. Don’t think of how or who will bring it. Make yourself believe that you do have enough money. Don’t stretch the daydream to something so huge that you can’t believe it will happen. The reason you shouldn’t do this is because belief and expectation are a “real” part of your pre-perception as noted above. As you replace the not enough money in what you consider to be your “real” life you will be inserting the daydream into the experience slot instead. The brain makes no distinction as I have stated. When you do it, make it feel natural and real. Don’t do it just for the sake of getting money, because if you do that, the emotions of struggle and not enough money will still be there. Do it when you feel inspired to do it, and for the single purpose of feeling good.

You don’t have to believe what I am telling you, because it will happen just the way I am telling you it does anyways. However, because belief is a part of the cycle you do have to believe that you can do, be or have anything that you are asking for. In other words do not make decisions to do or be something that you don’t truly believe you can have or do. You can’t just say that you believe, you have to believe to the core of you that you can. It’s real time, and what you get back mirrors what you are really feeling not what you say you are feeling.

How does this look in the repeating perceptual cycle? Insert daydream or your imaginings in place of experience. You will have a perception of that experience. Your emotions of the experience, or in this case daydream, will prioritize the experience and send it to the memory center. The information is then sent to the thalamus, from the cortex, back to the thalamus and will be mapped. The more revolutions or times that this cycle is allowed to repeat, specific information will be added, and momentum will build allowing what you want to come faster. The cycle takes only an instant to complete and continues on never stopping. It will change when you shift your attention to something else but it does not stop. Meditating or sleeping will stop it, but then it continues in a different direction while you sleep. The thalamus makes no distinction between what you day dream and what is “real”. Day dream about what you will do with the money, make it vivid, hear sounds, taste tastes, bask in the relief of it. Feel your way through the day dream. Enjoy and play in your daydream.

While you are not daydreaming it may be best not to think about money. If you feel you have to pay for something do it quickly, and focus more on the money that is coming in. Soften what you believe about money. Think of it as energy rather than a concrete item. It moves about and is bound to come back to you, that sort of thing.

There are other perceptual loops but this blog is quite long already 🙂

A way to look at this in a way that isn’t too far out there, is that reality is as real as your body. Don’t do anything you don’t believe you can honestly do. Change your experiences one emotional thought at a time, and a little at a time, if its more believable. That will be challenge enough. Get rid quickly of thoughts that make you feel negative in any way. It isn’t about the thing, its how you feel about the thing that matters. The brain maps perception not reality. I have put this to the test in many ways and I have now made it my life’s work. I hope that all of you do the same. Real is what is “real” to you. Decide, believe, and expect it to come. Insert whatever you like into that perceptual system. Make it real for you.

If you need more information my other blogs may help. There is a question and answers button on the home page. If you feel you still don’t have your answers you are welcome to come out to a seminar, join an online group sessions, have a look at my videos, or have private online sessions.

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