Once you observe, hear, feel or sense an experience in any way it’s done. I don’t mean in a sense it’s done, I mean it’s complete. Think of it like this, by the time you think of the word “now” it has already passed. To live “now” is to focus on what you are doing in any given instant, but focus slightly into the future.
Even now as we say the word “now” it fades into and becomes a part of the past, or at least the approximate back half of the instant does. So you think a little ahead but as you think it you are doing it “now”, which becomes the past. You may be saying that you are only thinking it now not in fact doing it. Well, The thinking of it is an “experience” also, and all experiences follow the same perceptual feedback. Even if the experience or thought is to do nothing at all.
I will stray only slightly and just for a moment. If you have read at least the last four articles on my site you will have noticed two very important things: One, that all probabilities are determined by your emotional perception and that all probabilities are occurring at the same time in the same place; Two, that perception is a focussed stream gated by an area of the brain. When the gate opens other “perceptual realms” appear. I call it that for a lack of coming up with anything better at this time. They could also be called environments in which you can experience something or nothing. The reason I bring this up now is because, the thing that remains consistent across the board is your perceptual feedback based on emotional priority and memory.
The above paragraph is important because it appears that your emotional perceptions drive future emotional perceptions. Another way of saying it is, your intent (decisions) and belief (expectations) going into the next moment in any of these realms drives the next experience; how you feel about that moment will drive the next, and so on… Each of these perceptual loops is always behind you because they represent “now” or an instant, speaking in terms of the first paragraph. You go into the experience, and come out of the experience, by the time the instant is finished, and you come away with a perception of it, the experience is in the past. In a way, your perception (post-perception) of an experience is the back half of an instant.
Let’s see if I can make that clearer… You wish to live in the “now”, and keep up with your inner being, larger aspect, or soul, it matters not what you call it. You decide what you will do in your next moment, as you decide what you will do, you are doing it in the past. This is because you are deciding “now” and it fades away. How you felt about that thought, is also in the past and it will be the pre-perception (or perception) going into the actual experience. If what you “thought” felt positive in nature and you expect it to be, then you have already determined a positive outcome by “experience”, in the past. The chances it won’t work out are nil. Remember I said felt not thought, it is an important difference. This also only accounts for one subject, in that one instant.
To maintain a positive outcome in all subjects, think a little ahead in such a way that it feels good to you. Truly good to you, you can’t fool the universe and you cannot fool yourself. Relaxed, happy, satisfied, appreciative/grateful, and expecting the outcome that you want. That’s where you want to be on all subjects that you care about. This attitude should be consistent and if something not so great happens consider it clarity and in the past. Take a deep breath and say out loud moving forward. Your inner being knows the outcome that you want and it’s taken care of. Look forward as far as you can see with your minds eye and feel as good as you can. Relaxed and happy is where you want to be, and maintain.
If you found this article helpful please share. It is much appreciated. I wish you all that you want in life. Get happy and then decide.