Good is Good

Any child can tell you that good is good and bad is not good. As we grow we alter that knowledge to suit what other people will think of us. Do what feels good to you. Follow your own impulses towards your own happiness. You were born with that right.

What to do if you don’t feel good

If you don’t feel good in this moment ask yourself what you can do or think to make you feel better, even if it’s just a little bit better. Keep doing that until you are at least to a point where what you are feeling is acceptable to you. Being just “ok” is better than feeling bad. Never stop doing this, and you will get to a point where you are happy. Keep doing this and see what happens.

What to do when you don’t

In order to stay in the place of feeling good, or being happy, continue the process. Follow impulses, and your desires. Things will continue to get better for you. At the very least you will be able to maintain a consistent contentment. Follow your inner voice to the next moment. If you worry about what others think you will never be happy. Do what it is that makes you feel good, or at least better and you will see things improve greatly over time. Remind yourself that you are worthy of good things in life, at least as much as anyone else. Don’t be put down. You are very important and what you are doing in this reality is very important. People do care how you are doing, are you noticing those people? Feel better and you’ll notice them.

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