Law of Attraction

What is the Law of Attraction?

Law of attraction is a universal law, not unlike gravity, or any other force at work in the universe. This system is observed as a passive attraction of situations, things and people. This system unlike gravity cannot be used or harnessed. If someone tells you it can be used they are mistaken. It is an automatic system of evolution.

How does Law of Attraction work?

There are two main aspects to the law of attraction: The “you” , and the universe. The reason I use the word aspect instead of component is because they are not functional unto themselves. They both require the other to function. 

The “you” aspect of law of attraction

Before you enter the reality that you call “real”, or before you were born into this reality, it is important to explain that “you” are an energetic non-physical being that has a distinct personality and when you were born, that energetic, non-physical being that is you split itself into two aspects of the same energetic being. This can be compared to the energy running through your house to a single appliance. The energy ends up at your appliance but is not detached from it’s source. This one source is responsible for keeping many appliances working.

So then you are a non-physical, streaming, perceptual being that has focused a small bit of yourself into this reality. It would be somewhat like playing a game on the computer in which you have a player character. The difference is the player character would be you and you would decide what to do in the game. Your larger aspect or source would be the one sitting at the keyboard seeing a much larger view than you, all the while lighting a path for you to follow. The energy would begin with your source and flow to you and through you. That source would then prompt the game universe to give you what you are asking for.

How do you ask for it, you pay attention to it.

That’s it. However, how you feel about what you’re paying attention to will let you know if you are going to get what you want or something else entirely. Those moments sometimes turn out and sometimes don’t, either way it brings clarity about what you want to your larger aspect.

Your role in all of this as stated is to choose, experience, and gain a new perspective. That process is done automatically, at any instant that you experience something that you desire to be different than it is. If you are too hot, and you desire to experience coolness the non-physical aspect of yourself will guide you to coolness. This, if you allow the non-physical aspect of yourself to do so. A basic standard is that if you are relaxed and happy then you are allowing the larger aspect of yourself to show you the path. Maintaining contentment is essential to things improving. Your beliefs also play a big role and we’ll touch down on that in a separate article.

The way you communicate to the other larger aspect of yourself is by means of perceptional emotion. How you feel about “it” is how you ask. You do not ask with words you ask with your thoughts, your beliefs, and your emotions. (there are articles on this subject)

​ This is the basics of the “you” aspect of the law of attraction.

The universal aspect of the law of attraction.

The universe or rather your specific universe is a focused representation of what you are asking for. The universe is a shared focus in which all possibilities exist, such as great horror, suffering, to comfort, elation, and ecstasy. 

For some even in five minutes, thoughts can be all over the place, on many different subjects and distractions, the perceptions are many. The emotions that accompany all that, make up what has been termed your “emotional mix”.

You may think about a lot of things for an extended period of time, but your emotions, and beliefs will prioritize and choose the type the situation that comes back. Your beliefs play a role in how quickly the situation will appear.

This happens because in order for a thought to reach an emotional memory it must reach a threshold. To any degree all emotional experiences and thoughts reach the threshold just at different times. (there is an article on this subject) 

Your universe is responding to your perceptions. It isn’t about the thing, it’s about how you feel about the thing that matters. 

If you are in need of some answers or fine tuning I also offer personal coaching and workshops.

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