Your Emotional Scale

When you start to think of your emotions as a form of communication that will exact an outcome, you will begin to do better. I realize that some of you believe that you should be happy all the time. Positive in nature all the time. That isn’t going to happen. It’s quite impossible actually. All of your emotions on the emotional scale are very important. It’s the way you communicate with your larger aspect and inner self. The best state to be in is happy and looking forward in the most positive light, of course it is. However, Pretending doesn’t cut it. Imagining does enter into things but not by deception.

Your feelings bubble up so to speak from within you. Ask yourself how you feel right now. This is not to say how you felt this morning, yesterday or how you wish to feel in the future, but right now how you feel is what is important. Turn away from the screen, what is the first thought that comes to you, and what emotion follows, where does it lie on the emotional scale. If you did this throughout the day it would give you some idea of the general landscape of your inner environment. Is it more on the positive side or the more negative, that is the environment that will present to you in reality. To say you have positive thoughts but that you feel bad is not possible. It is how you feel that communicates directly with your larger aspect or inner self.

If your emotions become jammed, or you don’t know what to think or do in the next moment to save yourself, and you actually give up. Your inner self or larger aspect take over, to allow for options. In the video below there is an example of this.

From negativity to success?

What to do about taking care of your emotional scale

In the above video I explain that the thought process and those negative cycles need to be taken care of. You are probably wondering how you know what needs to be taken care of first. To be honest you can’t miss it. It’s the thought that occurs most frequently with negative feelings that accompany it. That is the first thing to take care of. How do you do that? You put it in a place of rest by either finding a solution or by means of an understanding. A means of understanding is knowing that from every individual’s point of view they are doing the best that they can. It isn’t for you to decide what their best is.

Another thing that I should mention is that all emotions across the emotional scale are important, you have them for a reason. They are the means by which you directly communicate with your inner self, which is an extension of your larger aspect, or that larger you that focused you into this reality to begin with. When you are feeling bad, feel bad, and deal with that. Put it in a place of understanding or ask you inner self for a solution, if that can’t be achieved then soothe it into a better place by accepting where you are, and telling yourself that things can get better. When I say feel bad, I don’t mean live there and own it, I mean do something about it.

Stand in you power and think it through. When you feel bad or anything along your emotional scale and you pretend to feel otherwise it only confuses things, it doesn’t add up and all hell can break loose. You aren’t going to get happy from a bad place in a split second no matter what anyone tells you. Ignoring your feelings is equally unhelpful.

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